
"Thoughtful Grey Hair" -Jardim Redentor, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Thoughful Grey Hair - Jardim Rendentor, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Copyright Jerome Shaw 2005 / www.JeromeShaw.com
One of the many scenes of daily life in the town of Jardim Redentor near Rio de Janeiro Brazil. 

Thoughtful Grey Hair

I enjoyed photographing in Jardim Redentor perhaps more than any where else during this my first visit to Brazil. Jardim Redentor is a Northwestern suburb of Rio de Janeiro a bit past the end of the Northern metro train line.

I enjoyed documenting the small moments of daily life in this rather large "small town."  Rio de Janerio is so very large with over 12 million people in the metro region. While part of this immense city, Jardim Redentor has all the qualities of a small town. I loved seeing life lived out in the open and on the streets.

I made a few photos of this thoughtful man with grey hair against this colorful background of empty beer crates, water bottles, and bags of what I guessed to be charcoal. Another of the ordinary moments of life in Jardim Redentor. This photo was made with a Nikkor 400mm lens both to capture a candid moment and to compress the space.  The photograph was made on transparency film then scanned to a digital file.

These images are copyrighted and may not be used, re-posted or reproduced without direct written permission.

Contact Jerome at @JeromeShaw  or Facebook 

copyright Jerome Shaw 2005-2013 / www.jeromeshaw.com


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