
"Travel writers are prisoners..."

A colt nurese from his mother on streets of Jardim Redentor, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Copyright Jerome Shaw 2005 / www.JeromeShaw.com
Lunch break on the streets of Jardim Redentor, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Travel writers no less than journalists are prisoners of a particular time and place, and their books are often the last portrait of an intact culture before it was over taken by events and changed forever.

--William Zinsser from "They Went"

“ Lunch Break on the Streets of Jardim Redentor”

The cars whiz by but the colt is undisturbed in his attempt to have his lunch. Just another small moment of life on the streets of Jardim Redentor. I enjoy seeing events such as these as it made me relive my youth in a small town in SW Nebraska.

The photo was taken with a Olympus D590 digital camera on automatic exposure and the lens on wide angle.

These images are copyrighted and may not be used, reposted, or reproduced without direct written permission.

Contact me at @JeromeShaw  or Facebook 


Condensed caption:
“ Lunch Break on the Streets of Jardim Redentor”
Time for a quick lunch here on the main street in Jardim Redentor.


  1. Great photo - hard to realize that life goes on so differently somewhere else.

  2. yes, life moves at a different pace in many places in the world. This scene is less than an hour from the center or Rio de Janeiro and Rio has a population over 10 million.

    Thanks for your comment.

  3. If you are talking about now then they were not really independent in the past and now the situation is very crucial...

    Jeremy appartamenti siviglia

  4. that reminds me of an afternoon summer'08 , it was really warm but suddenly it was raining buckets and everyone was running for cover or pulling out their umbrellas, but that little girl, in her fine white flowerdress, looked around as if searching for something she had lost and then after about five minutes she bent down and picked up a tiny flower, I will never forget how she smiled at the flower in absolute delight, totally ignoring the fact that she was soaking wet, I deeply regret not having a camera with me at the time.

  5. Prisoners? Boohoo!


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