
"Maisa's Lips" Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

A sensual black and white photo created while I was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

"Maisa's Lips"

Though not technically a travel photo, this images was created while I was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil covering a conference on sustainable tourism. It was an instant favorite of mine, nearly jumping off the contact sheet after I developed the film.

A simple subject, simple lighting, a simple composition create a sensual image. While "Shadow Nude" employed a multiple lights in a complex arrangement this photo uses the simplest of lighting, window light, to accent the softness of the feminine form. Maisa is a favorite model of mine and I created many images with her in B&W and color over the month plus I was living in Rio.

Photographed in my apartment on Barrata Ribeirro in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro Brazil using a Nikon F100 and B&W film.

Cropped detail of "Maisa's Lips" 
This image was featured in my one man shows as a 40" x 60" / 100cm x 150cm digital print and is now in a private collection. It is very dramatic at this large size, which accentuates the soft textural qualities of image. Prints available for purchase.

These images are copyrighted and may not be used, re-posted or reproduced without direct written permission.

Contact me at @JeromeShaw  or Facebook 


  1. A very alluring shot. I was in Rio last year and this reminds me of the sensuality that oozes through the air all over Brazil.

  2. Super shot here Jerome. Sensual, classic. B&W style works perfectly for it too.


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